Display sequence for the 0 Late Onset condition (for both Feature and Conjunction Searches):

In this condition, there are no late-onset cues, and the subject simply searches for the target among all the objects in the eventual search display. This condition is essentially the "All" (0 late-onset) condition in the Burkell & Pylyshyn 1996 study:

A trial began with subjects fixating the center of the screen. When subjects pressed a button, an image appeared with 12 placeholders (white X's).


After 1 sec., a cue (the target to find) appeared to either the right or the left of the placeholder image. Subjects were instructed to look at the cue.

600 msec after the saccade was detected (by this time, subject had fixated the cue), all the placeholders (the X's) disappeared.

100msec after the X's disappeared, they reappeared. This was a signal to subjects to send their eyes back into the main image to search for the target (the red right-oblique bar) among all the objects in the search image (shown next).

During the saccade, one of the segments of each X disappeared and the remaining segment changed to either red or green. One half of the trials were feature searches, the other half were conjunction searches. (This is a feature search image).


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