RuCCS/LVR 5th Julesz Lecture on Brain Research


Monday, April 23, 2018

The Weizmann Institute of Science

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UPDATE: Thanks to all who attended the event. Photos from the event are available here. Video recording available below.

"Visual representation under the surface of awareness"

Monday, April 23, 2018 at 5:00 pm

Easton Hub Auditorium, Fiber Optics Materials Research Building
101 Bevier Road, Piscataway, NJ  08854-8007


Julesz Béla
Béla Julesz (1928-2003)
  • State of NJ Prof. (Rutgers Psych)
  • US National Academy of Sciences
  • Heineken Prize, Dutch Academy
  • MacArthur “Genius” Award
  • Julesz’s Foundations of Cyclopean Perception was selected among the top 100 influential works on cognitive science in 20th century
cybernetic odalisque cropped
Salvador Dali's "Cybernetic Odalisque - Homage to Béla Julesz" (1978) 
(Best seen with red-green glasses)
5:00 - 5:04pm
Introduction and Tribute to Bela Julesz by Prof. Eileen Kowler
5:04 - 5:07pm Speaker Introduction by Prof. Thomas Papathomas
5:07 - 5:10pm Tribute to Speaker by Dr. Barton Rubenstein
5:10 - 6:10pm dov sagiLecture by Dr. Dov Sagi
The George Zlotowski Professorial Chair
Department of Neurobiology, Brain Research
Weizmann Institute of Science Rehovot, Israel

"Visual representation under the surface of awareness" 

Bela Julesz studied “preattentive” vision, defined as vision without effort or scrutiny within the context of texture segmentation, asking whether it can process complex forms. We extend this question to “preconscious” vision, defined as vision without awareness or subjective experience. Our probe on visual awareness is Motion Induced Blindness (MIB; Bonneh, Cooperman, & Sagi, 2001), where a salient visual target perceptually disappears when superimposed onto a rotating background. We are interested in identifying the information available to the brain in the absence of stimulus awareness, in an attempt to identify a functional role for visual awareness. I’ll describe experimental results suggesting a relatively rich visual representation under the surface of awareness, with awareness having limited access to selected objects.
6:10 - 6:30pm
Q & A / Discussion
6:30 - 8:00pm Light reception immediately following the talk will be in the Fiber Optics Materials Research Building, Lobby


Seating is limited. We recommend that you visit the web site to register if you are likely to attend. Registration is not required, but it will help us plan for the event.

If for some reason you need to cancel your RSVP, please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

To RSVP please click HERE. You will be taken to the Google RSVP form


Easton Hub Auditorium
Fiber Optics Materials Research Building
101 Bevier Road, Piscataway, NJ 08854-8007

To get detailed directions (PDF), click here.
To view the location in Google Maps, click here.

To view a map of the campus, click here. 


For an online tax-deductible donation to the Bela Julesz Lecture Fund, please read the text below and then click on the link below.

We have a fund to continue the Julesz Lecture on a regular annual basis. When you press the "MAKE A DONATION" button below, you will be re-directed to the Rutgers Foundation Secure Online Donation Form. You can then designate your donation directly to "A Conference to Celebrate Bela Julesz". 
Please check if your company will match your donation.

To make a donation, click here.

Organizing Committee

Co-Sponsored By

  • Thomas Papathomas
  • Alan Gilchrist
  • Eileen Kowler
  • Brian McLaughlin
  • Troy Shinbrot
  • Bruce Tesar
  • Elizabeth B. Torres

Dr. Dov Sagi

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