Center Calendar
RuCCS Panel Discussion: The Social/Ethical Implications of AI
Tuesday, April 17, 2018
April 17, 5:30-7:30 PM (College Ave. Campus, Voorhees Hall, Room 105)
UPDATE: Thanks to all who attended the event. Event photos are now available here. Video recording of the event available below.
In this event, panelists will discuss the social and ethical implications humanoid robots, and artificial intelligence more broadly, have on our world. With rapid advances in technology, there is an urgent need for an open dialogue about artificial intelligence-related issues that could impact our everyday lives in the not so distant future.
Panelists: Brian McLaughlin, Distinguished Professor in Philosophy and Faculty Director of the Rutgers Center for Cognitive Science, Angelica Lim, Assistant Professor of Professional Practice in Computing Science at Simon Fraser University, Alex Borgida, Professor in Computer Science.
Reception to follow from 7:30 - 9:00 at Honors College Fireside Lounge
Seating is limited.To RSVP please click HERE. You will be taken to the Google RSVP form
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