Center Calendar

"Workshop on Modeling Heterogeneity of Behavior" Dr. Michel Regenwetter (Department of Psychology, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign)

Friday, February 24, 2023, 08:30am - 03:30pm

152 Frelinghuysen Rd, Psych Bldg. Room 105

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Synopsis: Conceptual, mathematical, and statistical framework to model heterogeneity of behavior and better understand the scope of psychological theory. Workshop participants will learn to move beyond a psychology of averages and think of variability of behavior as a source of information for scientific inquiry rather than mere noise. This workshop provides a basic introduction to order-constrained models and associated statistical inference methods, including frequentist and Bayesian approaches. No advanced mathematical modeling or quantitative analytics skills are required. The workshop aims to speak to a broad audience with a broad range of scientific interests. If you are willing to think deeply about variability and heterogeneity, this workshop should have something to offer.

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Bio: Michel Regenwetter obtained his Ph.D. in Mathematical Behavioral Sciences from the University of California at Irvine. His primary goal is to model, measure, and predict preference and choice behavior when it is allowed to vary. Random utility models are designed as a modeling language to capture and quantify the ubiquitous variability in choice and preference behavior. Prof. Regenwetter's primary interests can be categorized as falling within three paradigms: probabilistic measurement, social choice, and preference evolution over time.