Center Calendar

Is it Worth the Work? The Neuroscience of Effort, Dr. David Zald (Department of Psychiatry, Rutgers Center for Advances Human Brain Imaging Research, Rutgers University)

Tuesday, March 07, 2023, 02:00pm - 03:20pm

152 Frelinghuysen Rd, Psych Bldg. Room 105

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Abstract: Decisions about whether to exert effort are ubiquitous. Decisions to work on a paper or go exercise or run an errand all involve considerations of goals and rewards relative to the costs of the effort? Maladaptive decision making about effort characterizes several forms of psychopathology and can cause problems for otherwise psychiatrically healthy individuals as well. This talk outlines the behavioral and neuro- economics of effort-based decision making in health and disease, with an emphasis on translational models that bridge animal and human paradigms.

Bio: David Zald