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Remembrance of things (just) past: A trial marriage between vision and memory research

Robert Sekuler

Monday, March 24, 2003, 02:00pm - 03:00pm

Professor of Cognitive Neuroscience, Francis & Louis Salvage Professor of Psychology, Volen Center for Complex Systems,

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March 24

Robert Sekular

Professor of Cognitive Neuroscience, Francis & Louis Salvage Professor of Psychology, Volen Center for  Complex Systems, Brandeis University


Remembrance of things (just) past:  A trial marriage between vision and memory research

In the activities of everyday, vision and memory are inextricably intertwined;  but in the laboratory the two are usually isolated from one another. My group has atempted to synthesize concepts, insights and methods from vision research with counterparts from memory research. Our psychophysical approach generates a detailed, quantiative account of the representations and decision rules that underlie short-term, episodic visual memory. This approach also makes it possible to address central issues that otherwise would remain beyond reach.

Robert Sekuler