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On the relationship between motor and perceptual behavior - A signal detection theory framework
Andrei Gorea
Monday, May 21, 2007, 01:00pm - 02:00pm
Laboratoire de Psychologie de la Perception, CNRS & Paris Descartes University, Biomedicale des Saints Peres
Andrei GoreaLaboratoire de Psychologie de la PerceptionCNRS & Paris Descartes UniversityBiom�dicale des Saints P�res45 rue des Saints P�res, 75006 Paris, France Starting with Goodale & Milner's (1992) neuropsychological observations, a large number of neuropsychological and psychophysical studies has documented a putative dissociation between perception and action. However, a closer inspection of this literature reveals a number of methodological and conceptual shortcomings. I shall present a series of experiments making use of a variety of psychophysical techniques designed to gauge the relationship between simple and choice Response Times and observers' perceptual states as assessed for not-masked and masked (s) stimuli via Yes/No, 2AFC, Temporal Order Judgments, and Anticipation Response Times paradigms. All these studies reveal a strong RT-perceptual state correlation indicating that motor and perceptual responses are based on a unique internal response. A one-path-two-decisions stochastic race model drawing on standard Signal Detection Theory provides a fair account of the data, hence overruling the necessity of a model with dual processing of visual stimulation.
Andrei Gorea