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Contemporary Video Game Design: Challenges in Visualization, Interaction and Dynamic Simulation

3rd Annual PerSci Forum, & talk by Andy Nealen, PLEASE NOTE: 10:30 AM @ CoRE Atrium & Auditorium

Monday, May 04, 2009, 10:00am - 11:00am

Rutgers University, Department of Computer Science

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NSF/IGERT Interdisciplinary Training in Perceptual Science*

MONDAY  MAY 4th,  2009

Rutgers Busch Campus, CoRE Atrium & Auditorium


10:30 - 12:15    Posters

12:15                 Andy Nealen, Rutgers University :  Contemporary  video game design:

                         Challenges in visualization, interaction, and dynamic simulation

1:30 - 3:00         Buffet lunch / Posters



Aks, D., Haladjian, H., Pylyshyn, Z. & Hakkinen, A. Multiple object tracking with blink-contingent scene changes.

Chai, Y.-C., Papathomas, T., Zhuang, X. & David Alais. Binocular rivalry between a sharp image and a low-pass filtered version of itself:   Low-pass dominance increases with eccentricity.

Chakraborty, I. & Elgammal, A. Line-segment matching with substructure based constraints.

Cholewiak, S., Kim, S-H., Ringstad, P., Wilder, J., & Singh, M. Weebles may wobble, but conical frustums fall down: Investigating perceived stability of 3D objects.

Cholewiak, S. A., & Singh, M. Perceptual estimation of variance in orientation and its dependence on sample size.

Denisova, K., Haladjian, H., Kibbe, M. & Mansley, C. The role of motion in the recognition of faces in degraded images.

Denisova, K., Singh, M., Feldman, J., & Su, X. Investigating shape representation using sensitivity to axis and part-based transformations.

Greenberg, G. The semantics of labeled pictures.

Kibbe, M., Kowler, E. & Feldman, J. Oculomotor and manual search compared: The role of cognitive complexity and memory load.

Kim, S.-H., Feldman, J. & Singh, M. How is the inner contour of objects encoded in visual working memory: evidence from holes.

Li, L., Littman, M. & Mansley, C.  Online exploration in least-squares policy iteration.

Mi, X., & DeCarlo, D.  Abstraction of 2D shapes in terms of parts.

Pantelis, P., Ross,N., Kim, S-H. & Feldman, J. The spatial frequency aftereffect and surface representation.

Ringstad, P. Reinforcement learning for adapting performances in conversational agents.

Sanik, K., DeCarlo, D., Singh, M., Cole, F., Finkelstein, A., Funkhouser, T., & Rusinkiewicz, S.  How well do line drawings depict shape?

Suarez, M.T., & Musolino, J.  Comprehension of interacting quantifiers: "three" & "each".

Torres, E.B., Heilman, K. & Poizner, H. Complementary roles of the posterior parietal lobe & basal ganglia systems in reference frame preference

Torki, M. & Elgammal, A.  Spectral consistent matching.

Wu, C-C.  Latency/accuracy trade-offs during sequences of saccades.

Wunder, M., Littman, M., & Stone, M. Communication, credibility and negotiation: Using a cognitive hierarchy model.

Zhao, M., Kowler, E. & Schnitzer, B.  The distribution of attention along the saccadic path.

Zhuang, X. & Papathomas, T. V. Prior entry for feature-based attention: Are objects of the attended color perceived earlier?

*          Interdisciplinary Perceptual Science,, combines the formal tools of computer modeling with experimental  and theoretical tools used to study human perception.  Funded by an NSF Integrative Graduate Education and Research Traineeship`

*          questions: claudia farber: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.   directions:

Andy Nealen
Rutgers University, Department of Computer Science
Contemporary Video Game Design:Challenges in Visualization, Interaction and Dynamic Simulation
Video game design has experienced a renaissance over the past decade.  Parallel to the multi-million dollar games industry, independent game developers have been a constant and growing source of innovation: instead of taking  years and big budgets, such developers create small prototypes and game experiments, and focus on what it takes to make games enjoyable. In this talk I will demonstrate some recent notable examples, and argue that it is the simplicity of the abstraction that makes these advances possible. Furthermore, I will discuss the concept of the "interaction uncanny valley", by which I describe how developments in visualization and animation have overtaken virtual interaction by orders of magnitude. Along these lines I will present some suitable abstractions of visuals, interactions and simulations that can be leveraged to alleviate this problem. The talk will conclude with some open problems and possible avenues for further research.

3rd Annual PerSci Forum, & talk by Andy Nealen, PLEASE NOTE: 10:30 AM @ CoRE Atrium & Auditorium