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Naturalistic Visual Search

Dr. Mary Bravo

Monday, November 23, 2009, 12:00pm - 07:00pm

Rutgers University, , Department of Psychology

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Few experiences make us as acutely aware of the limitations of our visual system as searching for our keys on a cluttered desk. We?re interested in characterizing the factors that limit performance in this type of everyday search task.  Clearly search is affected by the amount of clutter in a scene, and so one focus of our research is to develop a measure of image clutter that can be used to predict search times. Search is also affected by the match between the target object's appearance and the observer?s search template (the observer?s mental representation of the target).  A second focus of our research is to characterize the nature of the search template. We are particularly interested in how the observer's search experience affects the specificity of this template.

This research was done in collaboration with Hany Farid, Computer Science Department, Dartmouth College.


Background Readings:">">

Dr. Mary Bravo