List of Past Events
Contempory Video Game Design: Challenges in Visualization, Interaction, & Dynamic Simulation
Dr. Andy Nealen
Monday, November 30, 2009, 12:00pm - 07:00pm
Rutgers University, Computer Science
Video game design has experienced a renaissance over the past decade.Parallel to the multi-million dollar games industry, independent gamedevelopers have been a constant and growing source of innovation:instead of taking years and big budgets, such developers create smallprototypes and game experiments, and focus on what it takes to makegames enjoyable. In this talk I will demonstrate some recent notableexamples, and argue that it is the simplicity of the abstraction thatmakes these advances possible. Furthermore, I will discuss the conceptof the "interaction uncanny valley", by which I describe howdevelopments in visualization and animation have overtaken virtualinteraction by orders of magnitude. Along these lines I will presentsome suitable abstractions of visuals, interactions and simulationsthat can be leveraged to alleviate this problem. The talk willconclude with some open problems and possible avenues for furtherresearch.
Backround Readings:
Game Feel: The Secret Ingredient, Steve Swink"> size=4 face="times new roman, times, serif">
wrap="">Principles of Virtual Sensation, Steve Swink">
The uncanny valley hypothesis">
Independent Games">