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List of Past Events

Cognition: The Abductive Engine

Dr. John Flach

Monday, November 15, 2010, 12:00pm - 07:00pm

Wright State University, Department of Psychology

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Classically, human cognition has been evaluated relative to a logical engine.Deviations of human performance from the expectations based on normative logic are typically attributed to information processing limitations. This talk will consider an alternative hypothesis based on Pierce's theory of abduction. This hypothesis approaches cognition as an adaptive control system. This system evolves through a pragmatic, eco-logic to selectively tune to situations. This approach will be illustrated using empirical work on control of collisions.

John Flach is Professor and Chair of Psychology at Wright State University. He is interested in the coupling of perception and action in complex systems. 

Background Readings:
Flach ECCE 2009

Dr. John Flach