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Predicting Visual Memorability

Dr. Aude Oliva (Note: This talk is scheduled for 1:00pm)

Monday, September 24, 2012, 01:00pm - 02:00pm

MIT, Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory

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When glancing at a magazine or browsing the Internet, we are continuously exposed to images. Despite this overflow of visual information, humans are extremely good at remembering thousands of pictures along with their visual details. But not all images are created equal. Whereas some images stick in our minds,  others are ignored or quickly forgotten. What makes an image memorable? Our recent work shows that one can predict image memorability, opening a new domain of investigation at the interface between human cognition and computer vision.

The background reading can be found at:

This website has a summary of the work as well as articles. 

Dr. Aude Oliva (Note: This talk is scheduled for 1:00pm)