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Repeated Measures In Aesthetics Research, Maria Pombo, Ph.D. Student, New York University, Cognition and Perception Pogram

Thursday, March 23, 2023, 05:00pm

Rutgers Psychology Department, 152 Frelinghuysen Rd, Busch campus, room 333

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Abstract: Recall memory and sequential dependence threaten the independence of successive beauty ratings. Such independence is usually assumed when using repeated measures to estimate the intrinsic variance of a rating. In several experiments, we measure how much of the variability across beauty ratings can be attributed to recall memory and sequential dependence. We explore stimulus similarity and stimulus set size as mediators. Overall, we assess the validity of repeated measures to estimate intrinsic variance and their importance in understanding individual differences in aesthetic judgment.

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Bio: Maria Pombo is a third-year Ph.D. student in the Cognition and Perception program at New York University, working with Dr. Denis Pelli. Her research is mostly centered around individual differences in aesthetic preferences and their methodological implications. Her projects range from basic empirical aesthetics science to applied aesthetics research, including industrial applications.