List of Upcoming Events

"Gustation" -- Dr. Paul Breslin, Dept of Nutritional Sciences, Rutgers University

Tuesday, March 19, 2024, 10:00am - 01:00pm

152 Frelinghuysen Rd, Psych Bldg. Busch Campus,RuCCS, Room A139

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RuCCS Marquee Course Series: Cognition in Sensory Cortex 

Flyer for Dr. BreslinPaulBreslin


Dr. Breslin will discuss taste processing in the human and non-human animal brain. Topics under discussion might include the evolutionary basis for taste-related behaviors like kissing .

Bio :

Dr. Breslin studies the cognitive constructs important for the oral perception of taste and its genetic and evolutionary basis. His research focuses on the interactions among gustation, chemesthesis, and olfaction that comprise flavor, using human fMRI to understand regional brain involvement and using fruit flies in parallel genetic studies of chemical sensation..

The Marquee Courses have an open-door policy and welcomes all members of the research and learning communities.
For future RuCCS Marquee Course Series, click here.