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Gallistel, C. R. (1972) The experimental study of the mind. Dubuque, Iowa: Kendall/Hunt. (Lecture notes and readings for an introductory psychology course with 1,000 students).
Gelman, R., & Gallistel, C. R. (1978) The child's understanding of number. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press. 260 pp
Gallistel, C. R. (1980) The organization of action: A new synthesis. Hillsdale, N. J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc. 432 pp
Gallistel, C. R. (1990) The organization of learning. Cambridge, MA: Bradford Books/MIT Press. 648 pp
Gallistel, C. R. (1991), Editor: Animal Cognition. Special Issue of Cognition put out as book by MIT Press. 203 pp
Gallistel, C.R., & Gibbon, J. (2002) The symbolic foundations of conditioned behavior. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Gallistel, C.R. (2002) Editor Stevens’ handbook of experimental psychology, Volume 3: Learning, motivation and emotion. New York, Wiley.
Gallistel, C.R., & King, A. (2009) Memory and the computational brain: Why cognitive science will transform neuroscience . New York: Blackwell/Wiley
Journal Articles & Chapters [back to top]
[R=refereed journal]
Gallistel, C. R. (1964) Electrical self-stimulation and its theoretical implications. Psychological Bulletin,R 61, 23-34.
Gallistel, C. R. (1966) Motivating effects in self-stimulation. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology,R 62, 95-101.
Gallistel, C. R. (1967) Intracranial stimulation and natural reward: Differential effects of trial spacing. Psychonomic Science-R, 9, 167-168.
Gallistel, C. R. (1969) The incentive of brain stimulation reward. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology,R 69, 713-721.
Gallistel, C. R. (1969) Self-stimulation: Failure of pretrial stimulation to affect rats' electrode preference. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology,R 69, 722-729.
Gallistel, C. R., Rolls, E. T., & Green, D. (1969) Neuron function inferred from behavioral and electrophysiological estimates of refractory period. Science,R 166, 1028-1030.
Gallistel, C. R. (1969) Comments on Panksepp, et al. PsychonomicScience-R, 16, 25-26.
Gallistel, C. R., & Beagley, G. W. (1971) The specificity of brain stimulation reward. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology,R 76, 199-205.
Gallistel, C. R., & Beagley, W. K. (1971) Versatile behavior monitoring technique for rodents. Physiology and Behavior-R, 7, 273-276.
Gallistel, C. R. (1973) Self-stimulation: The neurophysiology of reward and motivation. In J. A. Deutsch (Ed.), The physiological basis of memory. New York: Academic Press. pp. 175-267
Reid, L. D., Hunsicker, J. P., Kent, E. W., Lindsay, J. L., & Gallistel, C. R. (1973) The incidence and magnitude of the priming effect in self-stimulating rats. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology,R 82, 286-293.
Barry, F. E., Walters, M. S. & Gallistel, C. R. (1974) On the optimal pulse duration in electrical stimulation of the brain. Physiology and Behavior,R 12, 149-154.
Gallistel, C. R., Stellar, J. R., & Bubis, E. (1974) Parametric analysis of brain stimulation reward in the rat. I: The transient process and the memory-containing process. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology,R 87, 848-860.
Edmonds, D., Stellar, J. R., & Gallistel, C. R. (1974) Parametric analysis of brain stimulation reward in the rat, II: Temporal summation in the reward system. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology,R 87, 860-870.
Edmonds, D., & Gallistel, C. R. (1974) Parametric analysis of brain stimulation reward in the rat, III: The effect of performance variables on the reward summation function. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 87, 876-884.
Gallistel, C. R. (1974) Note on temporal summation in the reward system. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology,R 87, 885-886.
Stellar, J. R., & Gallistel, C.R. (1975) Runway performance of rats for brain-stimulation or food reward: Effects of hunger and priming. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology,R 89, 590-599.
Gallistel, C. R. (1975) Motivation as central organizing process: The psychophysical approach to its functional and neurophysiological analysis. In J. Cole & T. Sonderegger (Eds.), Nebraska Symposium on Motivation, Vol. 22, Lincoln, Neb.: University of Nebraska Press. pp. 183-250
Matthews, G. G., & Gallistel, C. R. (1975) Bilateral interaction in single units driven by MFB self-stimulation electrodes. Physiology and Behavior,R15, 543-549.
Gallistel, C. R. (1976) Spatial and temporal summation in the neural circuit subserving brain stimulation reward. In A. Wauquier & E. T. Rolls (Eds.), Brain stimulation reward-. Amsterdam: North Holland. pp. 97-99
Edmonds, D., & Gallistel, C. R. (1977) Reward vs. performance in self-stimulation: Electrode-specific effects of AMPT on reward in the rat. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 91, 962-974.
Gallistel, C. R., Karreman, G. A., & Reivich, M. (1977) [14.C]- 2-Deoxyglucose uptake marks systems activated by rewarding brain stimulation. Brain Research Bulletin, R2, 149-152.
Norman, M. F., & Gallistel, C. R. (1978) What can one learn from a strength-duration experiment? Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 18, 1-27.
Gallistel, C. R. (1978) Self-stimulation in the rat: Quantitative characteristics of the reward pathway. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology,R 92, 977-998.
Gallistel, C. R. (1980) From muscles to motivation. American Scientist, 68, 398-409.
Gallistel, C. R., Shizgal, P. & Yeomans, J. (1981) A portrait of the substrate for self-stimulation. Psychological Review,R 88, 228-273.
Gallistel, C.R. (1981) Subcortical stimulation for motivation and reinforcement. In M. M. Patterson & R. Kesner (Eds.), Electrical stimulation techniques.. New York: Academic Press. pp. 142-171
Gallistel, C. R. (1981) Bell, Magendie, and the proposals to restrict the use of animals in neurobehavioral research. American Psychologist,R 36, 357-360.
Gallistel, C. R., Boytim, M., Gomita, Y., & Klebanoff, L. (1982) Does pimozide block the reinforcing effect of brain stimulation? Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior, R 17, 769-781.
Gallistel, C. R. (1981) Precis of Gallistel's "The organization of action" & Matters of Principles: Responses to the Open Peer Commentary. The Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 4, 609-619 & 639-650.
Wassermann, E. M., Gomita, Y., & Gallistel, C. R. (1982) Pimozide blocks reinforcement but not priming from MFB stimulation in the rat. Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior, R 17, 783-787.
Gomita, Y., & Gallistel, C. R. (1982) Effects of reinforcement- blocking doses of pimozide on neural systems driven by rewarding stimulation of the MFB: A 14C-2-Deoxyglucose analysis. Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior,R 17, 841-845.
Gallistel, C. R., Piner, C. T., Allen, T. O., Adler, N. T., Yadin, E., & Negin, M. (1982) Computer assisted analysis of 2-DG- autoradiographs in behavioral neurobiology. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews,R 6, 409-420.
Gallistel, C. R., Nichols, S. (1983) Resolution-limiting factors in 2-deoxyglucose autoradiography. I. Factors other than diffusion. Brain Research,R 267, 323-333.
Yadin, E., Guarini, V., & Gallistel, C. R. (1983) Unilaterally activated systems in rats self-stimulating at sites in the medial forebrain bundle, medial prefrontal cortex, or locus coeruleus. Brain Research,R 266, 39-50.
Gallistel, C. R. (1983) Self-stimulation. In J. A. Deutsch (Ed.), The physiological basis of memory (2d Ed.). New York: Academic Press. pp. 270-349
Gallistel, C. R., Davis, A. J. (1983) Affinity for the Dopamine D2 receptor predicts neuroleptic potency in blocking the reinforcing effect of MFB stimulation. Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior, R 19, 867-872.
Gallistel, C. R., Karras, D. (1984) Pimozide and amphetamine have opposing effects on the reward summation function. Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior,R 20, 73-77.
Cheng, K., & Gallistel, C. R. (1984) Testing the geometric power of an animal's spatial representation. In H. Roitblat, T.G. Bever and H. Terrace (Eds.), Animal Cognition . pp. 409-423. Hillsdale, N. J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Sax, L. D., Gallistel, C. R. (1984) Temporal integration in self-stimulation: A paradox. Behavioral Neuroscience,R 98, 467-478.
Gallistel, C. R. (1985) Motivation, intention and emotion: Goal directed behavior from a cognitive-neuroethological perspective. In M. Frese & J. Sabini (Eds.), Goal directed behavior: The concept of action in psychology. Hillsdale, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. pp. 48-65
Gallistel, C. R. & Tretiak, O. (1985) Microcomputer systems for analyzing 2-deoxyglucose autoradiographs. In R. R. Mize (Ed.), The microcomputer in cell and neurobiology research. New York: Elsevier. pp. 389-409
Campbell, K. A., Evans, G., & Gallistel, C. R. (l985) A microcomputer-based method for physiologically interpretable measurement of the rewarding efficacy of brain stimulation. Physiology and Behavior, R 35, 395-403.
Gallistel, C. R., Gomita, Y., Yadin, E., & Campbell, K. A. (1985) Forebrain origins and terminations of the medial forebrain bundle metabolically activated by rewarding stimulation or by reward- blocking doses of pimozide. The Journal of Neuroscience,R 5, 1246-1261.
Gallistel, C. R. (1986) The role of the dopaminergic projections in MFB self-stimulation. Behavioral Brain Research,R 20, 313-321.
Yanovski, J. A., Adler, N. T., & Gallistel, C. R. (1986) Does the perception of reward magnitude of self- administered electrical brain stimulation have a circadian rhythm? Behavioral Neuroscience,R 100, 888-893.
Gallistel, C. R. & Freyd, G. (1987) Quantitative determination of the effects of catecholaminergic agonists and antagonists on the rewarding efficacy of MFB stimulation. Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior, R 26, 731-742.
Warazynski, M., Stellar, J. R., & Gallistel, C. R. (1987) Reward saturation in medial forebrain bundle self-stimulation. Physiology and Behavior,R 41, 585-593.
Gallistel, C. R. (1988) Determining the quantitative characteristics of a reward pathway. In M. L. Commons, R. M. Church, J. R. Stellar, & A. R. Wagner (Eds.), Quantitative Analyses of Behavior. Vol. 7: Biological determinants of reinforcement. Hillsdale, N. J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. pp. 1‑30.
Gallistel, C. R. (1988). Effect of catecholaminergic drugs on the substrate for medial forebrain bundle reward. In M. Sandler, A. Dahlström, & R. H. Belmaker (Ed.), Progress in catecholamine research Part B: Central aspects (pp. 469-472). New York: A. R. Liss.
McEachron, D. L., Gallistel, C. R., Eilbert, J. L., & Tretiak, O. J.. (1988) The analytic and functional accuracy of a video densitometry system. Journal of Neuroscience Methods,R 25, 63-74.
Margules, J., & Gallistel, C. R. (1988) Heading in the rat: Determination by environmental shape. Animal Learning and Behavior,R 16, 404–410.
Gallistel, C. R. (1989) Animal cognition: the representation of space, time and number. Annual Review of Psychology,40, 155-189.
Eilbert, J. L., Gallistel, C. R., & McEachron, D. L. (1990) The variation in user drawn outlines on digital images: Effects on quantitative autoradiography. Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics,R 14, 331-339.
Gallistel, C. R. (1990), Guest Editor: Animal Cognition, Cognition (Special Issue), 37, Nos. 1-2. Also put out as book by MIT Press (1991)
Gallistel, C. R. (1990) Representations in animal cognition: An introduction. Cognition, 37, 1-22.
Gallistel, C. R., & Gelman, R. (1990). The what and how of counting. Cognition,R 34(2), 197-200.
Gallistel, C. R., & Gelman, R. (1991) Subitizing: The preverbal counting process. In W. Kessen, A. Ortony & F. Craik (Eds.) Memories, thoughts and emotions: Essays in honor of George Mandler. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum. pp. 65-81
Gallistel, C. R., Brown, A., Carey, S., Gelman, R., and Keil, F. (1991) Lessons from animal learning. In R. Gelman & S. Carey (Eds.) The epigenesis of mind. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum. pp. 3-37
Sax, L. and Gallistel, C. R. (1991) Characteristics of spatiotemporal integration in the priming and rewarding effects of MFB stimulation. Behavioral Neuroscience R,105, 884-900.
Gallistel, C. R., Leon, M., Waraczynski, M., & Hanau, M. (1991). The effect of current on the maximum possible reward. Behavioral Neuroscience, R 105, 901-912.
Gallistel, C. R., & Leon, M. (1991). Measuring the subjective magnitude of brain stimulation reward by titration with rate of reward. Behavioral Neuroscience, R105, 913-924.
Gallistel, C. R. (1992). Classical conditioning as a non-stationary, multivariate time series analysis: A spreadsheet model. Behavioral Research Methods, Instruments, and Computers,R 24, 340-351
Gallistel, C. R., & Gelman, R. (1992) Preverbal and verbal counting and computation. Cognition,R 44, 43-74
Gallistel, C. R. (1992). Classical conditioning as an adaptive specialization: A computational model. In D. L. Medin (Ed.), The psychology of learning and motivationVol. 28. New York: Academic Press. pp. 35-68
Leon, M., & Gallistel, C. R. (1992). The function relating the subjective magnitude of brain stimulation reward to stimulation strength varies with site of stimulation. Behavioural Brain Research,R 52, 183-193
Gallistel, C. R. (1993) A conceptual framework for the study of numerical estimation and arithmetic reasoning in animals. In S. T. Boysen & E. J. Capaldi (Eds.) The development of numerical abilities: Animal and human models. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. pp. 211-224.
Mark, T. A., & Gallistel, C. R. (1993) Subjective reward magnitude in self-stimulation as a function of stimulating train duration and strength Behavioral Neuroscience, R 107, 389-401
Mark, T. A., & Gallistel, C. R. (1994). The kinetics of matching. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes,R 20, 79-95
Simmons, J., & Gallistel, C. R. (1994). The saturation of subjective reward magnitude as a function of current and pulse frequency. Behavioral Neuroscience,R 108, 151-160
Gallistel, C.R. (1994) Foraging for Brain Stimulation: Toward a Neurobiology of Computation. Cognition, R 50, 151-170
Gallistel, C.R. (1995) The Replacement of General Purpose Theories with Adaptive Specializations. In M.S. Gazzaniga, Ed. The Cognitive Neurosciences. Cambridge, MA. MIT Press. pp. 1255-1267.
Gallistel, C.R. (1994) Space and Time. In N.J. Mackintosh (Ed.) Animal learning and cognition. Handbook of perception and cognition. (pp. 221-253) New York: Academic
Gallistel, C. R. (1994) Elementary and complex units of behavior. In G. d'Ydewalle, P. Eelen, & P. Bertelson (Eds.) International perspectives on psychological science. Vol. 2. The state of the art. Hillsdale, NJ: LEA, pp. 157-175
Gallistel, C. R. (1995) Is LTP a Plausible Basis for Memory. In J.L. McGaugh, N. M. Weinberger & G. Lynch (Eds.) Brain and memory : modulation and mediation of neuroplasticity. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 328-337
Gallistel, C. R. (1996) The perception of time. In K. A. Akins (Ed.) Perception.. [vol. 5 of Vancouver Studies in Cognitive Science] New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 317-339.
King, A.P., & Gallistel, C.R. (1996) Multiphasic neuronal transfer function for representing temporal structure. Behavior Research Methods, Instruments and Computers,R 28, 217-223.
Gallistel, C.R., Leon, M., Lim, B.T., Sim, J.C., Waraczynski, M. (1996) Destruction of the MFB caudal to the site of stimulation reduces rewarding efficacy but destruction rostrally does not. Behavioral Neuroscience,R 110, 766-790.
Gallistel, C. R., & Cramer, A. E. (1996). Computations on metric maps in mammals: Getting Oriented and choosing a multi-destination route. Journal of Experimental Biology,R 199, 211-217.
Cramer, A.E., & Gallistel, C.R. (1997) Vervet monkey as traveling salesman. Nature,R 387(6632), 464-464
Gibbon, J., Malapani, C., Dale, C. L., Gallistel, C.R. (1997) Toward a Neurobiology of Temporal Cognition: Advances and Challenges. Current Opinion in Neurobiology,R.7(2),170-184
Gallistel, C.R. (1998) Symbolic processes in the brain: The case of insect navigation: . In & D. Scarborough S. Sternberg (vol. eds.) Methods, models, and conceptual issues.. Vol. 4 of Invitation to cognitive science. (D. Osherson, series ed.). Cambridge, MA MIT Press. pp. 1-51.
Simmons, J. A., Ackerman, R. F., & Gallistel, C. R. (1998). MFB lesions fail to structurally and functionally disconnect the VTA from many ipsilateral forebrain nuclei: Implications for the neural substrate for brain stimulation reward. Journal of Neuroscience, R 18(20), 8515-8533.
Leon, M. I., & Gallistel, C. R. (1998). Self-stimulating rats combine subjective reward magnitude and subjective reward rate multiplicatively. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes,R 24, 265-277
Gallistel, C. R. (1998). The modular structure of learning. In M. S. Gazzaniga & J.S. Altman (Eds.), Brain and mind: Evolutionary perspectives, (Vol. 5, pp. 56-71). Strasbourg: Human Frontiers Science Program.
Whalen, J., Gallistel, C. R., & Gelman, R. (1999). Non-verbal counting in humans: The psychophysics of number representation. Psychological Science. R , 10, 130-137
Gallistel, C. R. (2000) The replacement of general-purpose learning models with adaptively specialized learning modules. In M.S. Gazzaniga, Ed. The Cognitive Neurosciences. 2d ed. (1179-1191) Cambridge, MA. MIT Press.
Gallistel, C. R. (1999). Coordinate transformations in the genesis of directed action. In B. M. Bly & D.E. Rumelhart (Eds.), Cognitive science. (pp. 1-43) San Diego, CA: Academic
Gallistel, C. R., & Gibbon, J. (2000) Time, rate and conditioning. Psychological ReviewR, 107, 289-344
Gallistel, C.R., & Gelman, R. (2000) Non-Verbal Numerical Cognition: From the Reals to Integers. Trends in the cognitive sciences R 4, 59-65
Brannon, E.M., Wusthoff, C.J., Gallistel, C.R., & Gibbon, J. (2001) Numerical subtraction in the pigeon: Evidence for a Linear Subjective Number Scale. Psychological Science, R 12, 238-243
Gallistel, C. R. and J. Gibbon (2001). Computational versus associative models of simple conditioning. Current Directions in Psychological Science, R 10, 146-150.
Gallistel, C. R., Mark, T. A., King, A. P., & Latham, P. E. (2001). The Rat Approximates an Ideal Detector of Changes in Rates of Reward: Implications for the Law of Effect. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes, R 27, 354-372
Gallistel, C.R., Brannon, E.M, Gibbon, J., Wusthoff, C.J. (2001). Commentary, Response to Dehaene, in American Psychological Society, Vol. 12(3), p. 247
Gallistel, C.R., Mark, T.A., King, A., Latham, P. (2002) A Test of Gibbon's Feed-Forward Model of Matching. Learning and MotivationR, 43, 46-62.
Cordes, S., Gelman, R., & Gallistel, C. R. (2001). Variability signatures distinguish verbal from nonverbal counting for both large and small numbers. Psychological Bulletin and Review, R 8, 698-707.
Gallistel, C. R. (2002). Frequency, contingency and the information processing theory of conditioning. In P. Sedelmeier & T. Betsch (Eds.), Etc. frequency processing and cognition. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. pp. 153-171
King, A.P., McDonald, R.V., Gallistel, C.R. (2001) Screening for mice that remember incorrectly. International journal of comparative psychology, R 14, 232-257.
Gallistel, C.R. (2002) The principle of adaptive specialization as it applies to learning and memory. In R.H. Kluwe, G. Lüer, F. Röser (Eds) Principles of learning and memory Berlin: Birkhäuser. pp. 250-280.
Gallistel, C. R. (2003). Conditioning from an information processing perspective. Behavioural Processes R 62, 89-101.
Fairhurst, S., & Gallistel, C. R. (2003). Temporal landmarks: proximity prevails. Animal Cognition, R 6(2): 113-120.
Gallistel, C. R. (2003) Rate Estimation Theory Model Excel Implementation and Instruction.
Gallistel, C. R., King , A., McDonald, R. (2004) Sources of variability and systematic error in mouse timing behavior. Journal of the Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes, R 30(1), 3-16.
Gallistel, C. R., Balsam, P. D., & Fairhurst, S. (2004). The learning curve: Implications of a quantitative analysis. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, R 101(36), 13124-13131.
Gelman, R., & Gallistel, C.R. (2004) Language and the origin of numerical concepts. Science, R 306, 441-443
Gallistel, C.R., & Gelman, R. (2005) Mathematical cognition. In K. Holyoak & R. Morrison. Cambridge handbook of thinking and reasoning. New York: Cambridge University Press (pp. 559-588)
Gallistel, C.R. (2005) Deconstructing the law of effect. Games and Economic Behavior. R 52(2), 410-423
Gallistel, C.R., Gelman, R., & Cordes, S. (2005) The cultural and evolutionary history of the real numbers. In S. Levinson, & P. Jaisson (Eds.) Culture and evolution. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. pp. 247-278
Cheng, K., & Gallistel, C.R. (2005) Shape parameters explain data from spatial transformations: Comment on Pearce et al. (2004) and Tomassi & Polli (2004). Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes, R 31(2), 254-259
Balci, F. & Gallistel, C.R. (2006) Cross-Domain Transfer of Quantitative Discriminations: Is it All a Matter of Proportion? Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, R 13,636-642.
Papachristos, E. B., & Gallistel, C.R. (2006) Autoshaped Head Poking in the Mouse: A Quantitative Analysis of the Learning Curve. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, R 85, 293-308.
Balsam, P. D., Fairhurst, S., & Gallistel, C.R. (2006) Pavlovian contingencies and temporal information. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes , R 32(3),284-294
Gallistel, C.R. (2006) The nature of learning and the functional architecture of the brain. In Q. Jing, et al (Eds) Psychological Science Around the World, vol 1. Proceedings of the 28th International Congress of Psychology. Sussex: Psychology Press. pp. 63-71
Gallistel, C.R. (2007) L'apprentissage de matières distinctes exige des organes distincts. In J. Bricmont & J. Franck (Eds) Cahier n° 88:Noam Chomsky. Paris: L'Herne. Pp. 181-187. [English translation:” Learning Organs”, available on website]
Gallistel, C.R., King, A.P., Gottlieb, D., Balci, F., Papachristos, E.B., Szalecki, M., Carbone, K.S. (2007). Is matching innate? Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior,R 87, 161-199.
Cordes, S., King, A.P., & Gallistel, C.R. (2007) Time left in the mouse. Behavioural Processes, R 74, 142-151.
Leslie, A., Gallistel, C.R., & Gelman, R. (2007) Where integers come from. In P. Carruthers (Ed) The innate mind: foundations and future. Oxford: Oxford University Press
Cordes, S., Gallistel, C.R., Gelman, R., & Latham, P. (2007) Nonverbal arithmetic in humans: Light from noise. Perception & Psychophysics, R 69,1185-1203
Gallistel, C.R. (2008) Learning and memory. In G.O. Mazur (Ed) Thirty year commemoration to the life of A.R. Luria. New York: Semenenko Fdtn. pp. 49-61
Gallistel, C.R., King. A.P., Daniel, A.M., Papachristos, E.B., Balci, F. (2008). Fully Automated 24/7 Behavioral Screening for Mutations in Targeted Cognitive Mechanisms in the Mouse in Proceedings of Measure Behavior (Maastricht, The Netherlands) , pp. 55-56.
Gallistel, C.R. (2009) The foundational abstractions. In Piattelli-Palmirini, M, Uriagereka, J., & Salaburu, P. (Eds) Of minds and language: A dialogue with Noam Chomsky in the Basque country. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 58-73
Balci, F., Papachristos, E.B., Gallistel, C.R., Brunner, D., Gibson, J., Shumyatsky, G.P. (2008) Interval timing in the genetically modified mouse: A simple paradigm. Genes, Brains & BehaviorR, 7. 373
Gallistel, C.R. (2008) Learning and representation. In R. Menzel (Ed) Learning theory and behavior. Vol 1 of Learning and Memory - A Comprehensive Reference. 4 vols (J. Byrne, Ed). Oxford: Elsevier. pp/ 227-242.
Leslie, A., Gelman, R., & Gallistel, C.R. (2008) The generative basis of natural number concepts. Trends in Cognitive Science,R 12(6), 213-218
Cordes, S. & Gallistel, C.R. (2008) Intact interval timing in circadian CLOCK mutants. Brain Research,R 1227, 120-127.
Gallistel, C.R. (2008) The neural mechanisms that underlie decision making. In P.W. Glimcher, C.F. Camerer, E. Fehr, & R.A. Poldrack (Eds) Neuroeconomics: Decision making and the brain. New York, Elsevier/Academic. Pp. 419-424
Balsam, P.D., & Gallistel, C.R. (2009) Temporal maps and informativeness in associative learning. Trends in NeurosciencesR, 32(2), 73-78
Durgin, F.H., Akagi, M., Gallistel, C.R., Haiken, W. (2009) The precision of human odometery. Experimental Brain Research, 193(3), 429-436
Balci, F., Allen, B. D., Frank, K., Gibson, J., Gallistel, C. R., & Brunner, D. (2009). Acquisition of timed responses in the peak procedure. Behavioral ProcessesR, 80, 67-75.
Gallistel, C.R. (2009) The importance of proving the null. Psychological ReviewR, 116(2), 439-453
Balci, F., Freestone, D., Gallistel, C.R. (2009) Risk assessment in man and mouse. Proceedings of the National Academy of SciencesR, 106(7), 2459-2463
Gallistel, C. R., King, A. P., Daniel, A. M., Freestone, D., Papachristos, E. B., Balci, F., et al. (2010). Screening for learning and memory mutations: A new approach. Acta Psychologica SinicaR, 41(1).
Balsam, P. D., M. R. Drew, & Gallistel, C.R. (2010). " Time and Associative Learning." Comparative Cognition & Behavior ReviewsR, 5: 1-22.
Gallistel, C. R. (2011) "Response to Donahoe's Review of Memory and the Computational Brain" in Behavior & Philosophy
Gallistel, C.R. (2011) Mental magnitudes. In S. Dehaene & E. Brannon,Eds. Space, time and number in the brain: Searching for the foundations of mathematical thought. New York: Elsevier. pp. 3-12.
Gallistel, C. R. (2011) Prelinguistic thought. Language learning and developmentR, 7, 253-262
Ward, R, Gallistel, C.R., Jensen, G., Richards, V.L., Fairhurst, S., Balsam, P.D. (2012)
Conditional Stimulus Informativeness Governs Conditioned Stimulus—Unconditioned Stimulus Associability.Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior ProcessesR, doi: 10.1037/a0027621
Gallistel, C. R. (2012). Extinction from a rationalist perspective. Behavioural ProcessesR , 90, 66-88
Hagan,E.H., Chater, N., Gallistel, C.R., Houston, A., Kacelnik, A., Kalenscher, T., Nettle, D. Oppenheimer, D., & Stephens, D.W. (2012) Decision making: What can evolution do for us? Group I Report. In Evolution and the Mechanisms of Decision Makin. Strüngmann Forum Reports. Cambridge, MA, MIT Press
Gallistel, C.R. (2012) Machinery of cognition. Chapter 3 in Evolution and the Mechanisms of Decision Making. Strüngmann Forum Reports. Cambridge, MA, MIT Press. pp. 39-52.
Kheifets, A. & Gallistel, C.R. (2012) Mice take calculated risks. Proceedings of the National Academy of SciencesR, 109, 8776-8779
Gallistel CR, Matzel LD. (2013). The neuroscience of learning: Beyond the Hebbian Synapse. Annual Review of Psychology 64: 169-200
Gallistel CR, Craig AR, & Shahan TA (2013) Temporal contingency. Behavioural processes.
Gallistel, C. R., M. Krishan, Liu, Y., Miller, R.R., & Latham, P.E. (2014). "The perception of probability." Psychological Review 121: 96-123.
Gallistel, C. R. and P. D. Balsam (2014). "Time to rethink the neural mechanisms of learning and memory." Neurobiology of Learning and Memory 108: 136-144.
Gallistel, C. R., V. Tucci, et al. (2014). "Cognitive assessment of mice strains heterozygous for cell-adhesion genes reveals strain-specific alterations in timing precision." Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society. B. 369(1637): Article 8.
Gallistel, C. R., F. Balci, et al. (2014). "Automated, quantitative cognitive/behavioral screening of mice: For genetics, pharmacology, animal cognition and undergraduate instruction." Journal of Visualized Experiments (JoVE)(84), e51047.
Cheeseman, J. F., C. D. Millar, et al. (2014). "Way-finding in displaced clock-shifted bees proves bees use a cognitive map." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Foreword to Evolutionary origins and early development of number processing. Elsevier/Academic 2015
Here's Why Most Neuroscientists Are Wrong About the Brain, Gallistel, C. R., Nautilus 2015
Gallistel, C. R., & Wilkes, J. T. (2016). Minimum description length model selection in associative learning. Current Opinion in Behavioral Science, 11, 8-13.
Baker, S. T., Leslie, A. M., Gallistel, C. R., & Hood, B. M. (2016). Bayesian change-point analysis reveals developmental change in a classic theory of mind task. Cognitive Psychology. doi:10.1016/j.cogpsych.2016.08.001
Gallistel, C. R. (2017). Learning and representation Learning and memory: A comprehensive reference (2 ed., Vol. 1, pp. 141-154).
Baker, S. T., Leslie, A. M., Gallistel, C. R., & Hood, B. M. (2016). Bayesian change-point analysis reveals developmental change in a classic theory of mind task. Cognitive Psychology. doi:10.1016/j.cogpsych.2016.08.001
Gallistel, C. R. (2017 in press). Finding numbers in the brain. Proceedings of the Royal Society (London). Series B, xxx, xxx-xxx.
Kheifets, A., Freestone, D., & Gallistel, C. R. (2017). Theoretical Implications of Quantitative Properties of Interval Timing and Probability Estimation in Mouse and Rat. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 108(1), 39-72.
Ricci, M., & Gallistel, C. R. (2017). Accurate Step-Hold Tracking of Smoothly Varying Periodic and Aperiodic Probability. Attention, Perception and Psychophysics 79, 1480-1494
Gallistel, C. R. (2017). Numbers and brains. Learning & Behavior. doi:10.3758/s13420-017-0272-3
Gallistel, C. R. (2017). The coding question. Trends in Cognitive Science, 21(7), 498-508. doi:10.1016/j.tics.2017.04.012
Gallistel, C.R. (2017). Navigation: Whence our sense of direction? Current Biology (a Dispatch), 27(3), R108-R110
Gallistel, C. R. (2017). The neurobiological bases for the computational theory of mind. In R. G. d. Almeida & L. Gleitman (Eds.), On Concepts, Modules, and Language (pp. 275-296). New York: Oxford University Press.
Wilkes, J. T., & Gallistel, C. R. (2017, in press). Information Theory, Memory, Prediction, and Timing in Associative Learning. In A. Moustafa (Ed.), Computational Models of Brain and and Behavior. New York: Wiley/Blackwell.
Queenan, B. N., Ryan, T. J., Gazzaniga, M. S., & Gallistel, C. R. (2017). On the research of time past: The hunt for the substrate of memory. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences(The Year in Cognitive Neuroscience). doi:10.1111/nyas.13348
Gallistel, C. R., Balci, F., Freestone, D., Kheifets, A. & King, A. (2017) Cognitive neurogenetics screening system with a data-analysis toolbox. In V. Tucci (Ed) Handbook of neurobehavioral genetics and phenotyping. Wiley. Chap 20
Gallistel, C. R. (2018). Finding numbers in the brain. Proceedings of the Royal Society (London). Series B, 373,20170119.
Gallistel, C. R., Craig, A., Shahan, T.A. (2019). Contingency, contiguity and causality in conditioning: Applying information theory and Weber’s Law to the assignment of credit problem. Psychological Review, 126, 761-773, (on line August 19)
Kalmbach, A., Chun, E., Taylor, K., Gallistel, C. R., & Balsam, P. D. (2019). Time-scale-invariant information-theoretic contingencies in discrimination learning. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Learning & Cognition, 45(3), 280-289. doi:10.1037/xan0000205
Light, K. R., Cotten, B., Malekan, T., Dewil, S., Bailey, M. R., Gallistel, C. R., & Balsam, P. D. (2019). Evidence for a mixed timing and counting strategy in mice performing a Mechner counting task. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 13(109). doi:10.3389/fnbeh.2019.00109
Gallistel, C. R., & Papachristos, E. B. (2019). Number and time in acquisition, extinction anand recovery. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior. doi:10.1002/jeab.571
Gallistel, C. R. (2019). Our understanding of neural codes rests on Shannon’s foundations: Comment on Brette, R. Is coding a relevant metaphor for the brain? Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 42, e226.
Gallistel, C. R. (2020). Where meanings arise and how: Building on Shannon’s foundations. Mind and Language, 25, 390-402.
Langille, J. & Gallistel (2020) Locating the engram: Should we look for plastic synapses or information-storing molecules?. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 169,doi:10.1016/j.nlm.2020.107164
Gallistel, C.R. (2021). Robert Rescorla: Time, Information and Contingency, Revista de historia de la psicología, 42, 7-21.
Gershman, S. J., Balbi, P. E. M., Gallistel, C. R., & Gunawardena, J. (2021). Reconsidering the evidence for learning in single cells. eLife, 10. doi:10.7554/eLife.61907
Gallistel, C. R. (2021). The physical basis of memory. Cognition, 213(Aug), ???-??? doi:10.1016/j.cognition.2020.104533
Gallistel, C. R. (2021). The approximate number system represents magnitude and precision. Commentary on Clarke & Beck The number sense represents (rational) numbers.
Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 44, 29-30. doi:10.1017/S0140525X21000959
Gallistel, C. R. (2022). Navigation in real and scientific waters. In R. Casati (Ed.), The sailing mind (pp. 167-184). Cham Switzerland: Springer Nature
Kalmbach, A., Winiger, V., Jeong, N., Asok, A., Gallistel, C. R., Balsam, P. D., & Simpson, E. H. (2022). Dopamine encodes real-time reward availability and transitions between reward availability states on different timescales. Nature Communications, 13(1), 3805. doi:10.1038/s41467-022-31377-2
Gallistel, C. R. (2022). Rethinking the neurobiology of memory, Epistimones.
Wang, S., Chen, X., Becker, F., Greggers, U., Waler, S., Werner, M., Gallistel, C.R. & . Menzel, R. (2023). Honey bees infer source location from the dances of returning foragers. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (USA), 120(12). doi:10.1073/pnas.2213068120.
Gallistel, C. R., & Latham, P. E. (2022). Bringing Bayes and Shannon to the Study of Behavioral and Neurobiological Timing. Timing & TIME Perception. doi:10.1163/22134468-bja10069
Akdogan, B., Wanar, A., Gersten, B. K., Gallistel, C. R., & Balsam, P. D. (2023). Temporal encoding: Relative and absolute representations of time guide behavior. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Learning and Cognition, 49(1), 46-61.
Gallistel, C. R., Johansson, F., Jirenhed, D.-A., Rasmussen, A., Ricci, M., & Hesslow, G. (2022). Quantitative properties of the creation and activation of a cell-intrinsic duration-encoding engram. Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience, 03.
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Gallistel, C. R. (1968) Review of Arthur Koestler's The ghost in the machine. Psychology Today, 2(5), 14-15.
Gallistel, C. R. (1978) The irrelevance of past pleasure. Comment on Bindra's "How adaptive behavior is produced: a perceptual- motivational alternative to response reinforcement." The Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 1, 59-60.
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Gallistel, C. R. (1983) The importance of behavior in behavioral physiology. The Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 6, 751-752.
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Gallistel, C.R. (1998) Behaviourism, methodological and theoretical. In Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy. London: Routledge
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Gallistel, C.R. (1999) Can a decay process explain the timing of conditioned responses? Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior , 71, 264-271 (invited commentary)
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Gallistel, C. R. (2012). On rationalism and optimality: Responses to the Miller and Nevin Commentaries. Behavioural Processes, 90, 87-88
Gallistel, C. R. (2012). On the evils of group averaging: Commentary on Nevin’s “Resistance to extinction and behavioral momentum”. Behavioural Processes, 90, 98-99
Other Papers from My Laboratory
Yeomans, J. S. (1979) The absolute refractory periods of self- stimulating neurons. Physiology and Behavior, 22, 911-919.
Yeomans, J. S., Matthews, G. G., Hawkins, R. D., Bellman, K., & Doppelt, H. (1979) Characterization of self-stimulation neurons by their local potential summation properties. Physiology and Behavior, 22, 921-929.
Matthews, G. (1978) Strength-duration properties of single units driven by electrical stimulation of the lateral hypothalamus in rats. Brain Research Bulletin, 3, 171-174.
Stellar, J. R., & Heard, K. (1976) Aftereffects of rewarding lateral hypothalamic brain stimulation and feeding behavior. Physiology and Behavior, 17, 865-867.
Waraczynski, M. A., & Kaplan, J. M. (1990). Frequency-response characteristics provide a functional separation between stimulation-bound feeding and self-stimulation. Physiology and Behavior, 47, 843-851.
Campbell, K. A. (1990). Plasticity in the propagation of hippocampal stimulation-induced activity: A :14C:2-deoxyglucose mapping study. Brain Research, 520, 199-207.
Cheng, K. (1986). A purely geometric module in the rat's spatial representation. Cognition, 23, 149–178.
Gottlieb, D. A. (2008). Is the number of trials a primary determinant of conditioned responding? Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes, 34(2), 185–201.