What is the Perinatal Environment & Genetic Interactions (PEGI) Study?
We are investigating what prenatal and early postnatal factors positively and negatively affect language and cognitive development.
As part of the study, parents complete questionnaires about their pregnancy & their child's postnatal development.
Who is eligible to participate? We are no longer recruiting
We are recruiting parents of English-speaking children who are:
- 2.5 - 6 years old
- normally developing or experiencing developmental delays
- former preemies or full-term babies
- twins or singletons
- living anywhere in the English-speaking world
What are the benefits of participating?
As a token of our appreciation, you will receive:
- a $10 gift certificate for completing the questionnaires
- a brief report on your child's development
There are no risks associated with this study, and all information is kept strictly confidential.
If you want to participate in the PEGI study, call (732-445-4309) or send email(
- your child's birthdate (for former preemies, indicate how many weeks premature your child was)
- your email and physical addresses
If you have questions about this exciting project, please contact:
Karin Stromswold, M.D., Ph.D.
Director, Language Acquisition & Processing Lab
Department of Psychology & Center for CognitiveScience
Rutgers University
152 Frelinghuysen Road
Piscataway NJ 08854 USA
Fax: (732) 445-6715
If you want to take a peak at the questionnaires, here are links to samples
Perinatal Questionnaire (Full version)
Language Development Questionnaire (Age 4 version)
This study is funded by grants from the National Science Foundation (BCS-0446850), the Charles and Johanna Busch Biomedical Research Fund and the Bamford-Lahey Children's Foundation.
Additional research and educational activies in Dr. Stromswold's Language Acquisition & Language Processing Lab are funded by grants from the National Science Foundation (BCS-0124095, BCS-0042561, BCS-0002010, BCS-9875168), and the National Institute of Child Health & Human Development (HD37818).