Bayesian Hierarchical Grouping: Perceptual grouping as mixture estimation Froyen, V., Feldman, J., & Singh, M. (2015). Psychological Review, 122(4), 575-597 |
Interface Theory of Perception Hoffman, D., Singh, M., & Prakash, C. (in press) Psychonomic Bulletin and Review |
Probing the Interface Theory of Perception: Reply to Commentaries Hoffman, D., Singh, M., & Prakash, C. (in press) Psychonomic Bulletin and Review |
Investigating shape representation using sensitivity to part- and axis-based transformations Denisova, K., Feldman, J., Su, X, & Singh, M. (in press) Vision Research |
The role of shape complexity in the detection of closed contours Wilder, J., Feldman, J., & Singh, M. (in press) Vision Research |
Perception of physical stability and center of mass of 3-D objects Cholewiak, S., Fleming, R. & Singh, M. (2015) Journal of Vision, 15(2):13, 1-11 JOV link |
Contour complexity and contour detection Wilder, J., Feldman, J., & Singh, M. M. (2015) Journal of Vision, 15(6):6, 1-16. JOV link |
Visual representation of contour and shape Singh, M. (in press) In: J. Wagemans (Ed.), Oxford Handbook of Perceptual Organization. Oxford University Press. Preprint |
Perceptual grouping as Bayesian mixture estimation Feldman, J., Singh, M., & Froyen, V. (in press) In: S. Gepshtein, L. Maloney, & M. Singh (Eds.), Oxford Handbook of Computational Perceptual Organization. Oxford University Press. Preprint |
Transparency and Translucency Singh, M. (2014) In: K. Ikeuchi (Ed.), Computer Vision: A Reference Guide, pp. 815-819. Springer Verlag. Preprint |
Rotating columns: Relating structure-from-motion, accretion/deletion, and figure/ground Froyen, V., Feldman, J., & Singh, M. (2013) Journal of Vision, 13(10):6 1-12. JOV link |
Visual perception of the physical stability of asymmetric three-dimensional objects Cholewiak, S., Fleming, R., & Singh, M. (2013) Journal of Vision, 13(4):12, 1-13. JOV link |
Perceived causality can alter the perceived trajectory of apparent motion Kim, S.-H., Feldman, J., & Singh, M. (2013) Psychological Science, 24(4), 575-582. |
Natural selection and shape perception Singh, M. & Hoffman, D. (2013) In: Shape Perception in Human and Computer Vision: An Interdisciplinary Perspective. S. Dickinson & Z. Pizlo (Eds.). Springer Verlag. Preprint Book |
An integrated Bayesian approach to shape representation and perceptual organization Feldman, J., Singh, M., Briscoe, E., Froyen, V., Kim, S. & Wilder, J. (2013) In: Shape Perception in Human and Computer Vision: An Interdisciplinary Perspective. S. Dickinson & Z. Pizlo (Eds.). Springer Verlag. Preprint Book |
A century of Gestalt psychology in visual perception: I. Perceptual grouping and figure-ground organization Wagemans, J., Elder, J., Kubovy, M., Palmer, S., Peterson, M., Singh, M., & von der Heydt, R. (2012) Psychological Bulletin, 138(6), 1172-1217. PDF |
Computational evolutionary perception Hoffman, D. & Singh, M. (2012) Perception, 41(9), 1073-1091. (Special Issue on the 30th anniversary of Marr's "Vision") |
Principles of Contour Information: A response to Lim & Leek (2012) Singh, M. & Feldman, J. (2012) Psychological Review, 119(3), 678-683. |
Curved apparent motion induced by amodal completion Kim, S.-H., Feldman, J., & Singh, M. (2012) Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 74(2), 350-364. |
Perceptual models of viewpoint preference Secord, A., Lu, C., Finkelstein, A., Singh, M. & Nealen, A. (2011) ACM Transcations on Graphics, 30(5), 109:1-12. |
Superordinate shape classificiation using natural shape statistics Wilder, J., Feldman, J., & Singh, M. (2011) Cognition, 119(3), 325-340. |
Perceived object stability depends on multisensory estimates of gravity Barnett-Cowan, M., Fleming, R. W., Singh, M., & Buelthoff, H. H. (2011) PLoS ONE, 6(4), e19289, 1-5. PLoS ONE link |
Robust visual estimation as source separation Juni, M. Z., Singh, M., & Maloney, L. T. (2010) Journal of Vision, 10(14):2, 1-20. JOV link |
A Bayesian framework for figure-ground interpretation Froyen, V., Feldman, J., & Singh, M. (2010) Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 23. |
How well do line drawings depict shape? Cole, F., Sanik, K., DeCarlo, D., Finkelstein, A., Funkhouser, T., Rusinkiewicz, S., & Singh, M. (2009) ACM Transactions on Graphics, 28(3) (proc. SIGGRAPH). |
An experimental criterion for consistency in interpolation of partially-occluded contours Fulvio, J., Singh, M., & Maloney, L. T. (2009) Journal of Vision, 9(4):5, 1-19. JOV link |
Perceptual segmentation and the perceived orientation of dot clusters: The role of robust statistics Cohen, E., Singh, M., & Maloney, L. T. (2008) Journal of Vision, 8(7):6, 1-13. (Special Issue: Perceptual Organization and Neural Computation) JOV link |
Precision and consistency of contour interpolation Fulvio, J., Singh, M., & Maloney, L. T. (2008) Vision Research, 48, 831-849. |
Natural decompositions of perceived transparency: Reply to Albert (2008) Anderson, B. L., Singh, M., & O'Vari, J. (2008) Psychological Review, 115, 1144-1153. |
Geometric determinants of shape segmentation: Tests using segment identification Cohen, E. and Singh, M. (2007) Vision Research, 47, 2825-2840. Abstract | PDF |
The relationship between spatial pooling and attention in saccadic and perceptual tasks Cohen, E., Schnitzer, B., Gersch, T., Singh, M. and Kowler, E. (2007) Vision Research, 47, 1907-1923. Abstract | PDF |
Bayesian contour extrapolation: Geometric determinants of good continuation Singh, M. and Fulvio, J. (2007) Vision Research, 47, 783-798. Abstract | PDF |
Bayesian estimation of the shape skeleton Feldman, J. and Singh, M. (2006) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 103, 18014-18019. Abstract | PDF |
Perceived orientation of complex shape reflects graded part decomposition Cohen, E. H. and Singh, M. (2006) Journal of Vision, 6, 805-821. JOV link |
The role of part structure in the perceptual localization of a shape Denisova, K., Singh, M., & Kowler, E. (2006) Perception, 35, 1073-1087. Abstract | Perception link |
Contour extrapolation using probabilistic cue combination Singh, M. and Fulvio, J. M. (2006) Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Proceedings. Abstract | PDF | DOI link |
Consistency of location and gradient judgments of visually-interpolated contours Fulvio, J. M., Singh, M., & Maloney, L. T. (2006) Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Proceedings. Abstract | PDF | DOI link |
Surface geometry influences the shape of illusory contours Fulvio, J. M. and Singh, M. (2006) Acta Psychologica, 123, 20-40. (Special Issue: Michotte's heritage in perception and cognition research) Abstract | PDF |
Combining achromatic and chromatic cues to transparency Fulvio, J. M., Singh, M., & Maloney, L. T. (2006) Journal of Vision, 6, 760-776. JOV link |
Photometric determinants of perceived transparency |
The perceived transmittance of inhomogeneous surfaces and media Anderson, B. L., Singh, M., & Meng, J. (2006) Vision Research, 46, 1982-1995. Abstract | PDF |
Visual extrapolation of contour geometry Singh, M., and Fulvio, J. M. (2005) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 102, 939-944. Abstract | PDF (Supporting Information: pdf / PNAS website) |
Information along contours and object boundaries Feldman, J., and Singh, M. (2005) Psychological Review, 112, 243-252. Abstract | PDF |
What change detection tells us about the visual representation of shape Cohen, E. H., Barenholtz, E., Singh, M., & Feldman, J. (2005) Journal of Vision, 5, 313-321. JOV link |
Lightness constancy through transparency: Internal consistency in layered surface representations |
Modal and amodal completion generate different shapes Singh, M. (2004) Psychological Science, 15, 454-459. Abstract | PDF |
Computing layered surface representations: An algorithm for detecting and separating transparent overlays Singh, M., and Huang, X. (2003) Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Proceedings '03, Vol II, 11-18. Abstract | PDF |
Detection of change in shape: An advantage for concavities Barenholtz, E., Cohen, E., Feldman, J., & Singh, M. (2003) Cognition, 89, 1-9. Abstract | PDF |
Vision: Form perception Hoffman, D., and Singh, M. (2002) In: Encyclopedia of Cognitive Science, Volume 4, L. Nadel (Ed.), 486-490. London: Macmillan Publishers Limited. |
Early computation of part structure: Evidence from visual search Xu, Y., and Singh, M. (2002) Perception and Psychophysics, 64, 1039-1054. Abstract | PDF |
Toward a perceptual theory of transparency Singh, M., and Anderson, B. (2002) Psychological Review, 109, 492-519. Abstract | PDF |
The interpolation of object and surface structure Anderson, B., Singh, M., & Fleming, R. (2002) Cognitive Psychology, 44, 148-190. Abstract | PDF |
Perceptual assignment of opacity to translucent surfaces: The role of image blur Singh, M., and Anderson, B. (2002) Perception, 31, 531-552. Abstract | PDF |
Part-based representations of visual shape and implications for visual cognition Singh, M., and Hoffman, D. (2001) In: From fragments to objects: Grouping and segmentation in vision. Advances in Psychology Series,Volume 130. T. Shipley & P. Kellman (Eds.), 401-459. New York: Elsevier Science. Abstract | PDF |
Constructing surfaces and contours in displays of color from motion: The role of nearest neighbors Fidopiastis, C., Hoffman, D., Prophet, W., & Singh, M. (2000) Perception, 29, 567-580. Abstract | PDF |
Completing visual contours: The relationship between relatability and minimizing inflections Singh, M., & Hoffman, D. (1999) Perception and Psychophysics, 61, 943-951. Abstract | PDF |
Parsing silhouettes: The short-cut rule Singh, M., Seyranian, G., & Hoffman, D. (1999) Perception and Psychophysics, 61, 636-660. Abstract | PDF |
Contour completion and relative depth: Petter's rule and support ratio Singh, M., Hoffman, D., & Albert, M. (1999) Psychological Science, 10, 423-428. |
Part boundaries alter the perception of transparency Singh, M., & Hoffman, D. (1998) Psychological Science, 9, 370-378. Abstract | PDF |
Constructing and representing visual objects Singh, M., & Hoffman, D. (1997) Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 1, 98-102. |
Salience of visual parts Hoffman, D., & Singh, M. (1997) Cognition, 63, 29-78. Abstract | PDF |