The Rutgers Program in Perceptual Science is accepting applications for research experiences for undergraduates.

Review of applications will begin Feb 18, 2014 and will continue until all our positions are filled.

Applicants should be undergraduates with a major in Computer Science, Cognitive Science, Psychology, Information Science or a closely related field. They should be current juniors (graduating in 2015), although first and second year undergraduates with exceptionally strong backgrounds will also be considered. Due to funding agency rules, only U.S. Citizens and Permanent Residents who are enrolled in an undergraduate program now through fall 2014 or later are eligible for this program. Women, minorities, and students with disabilities are encouraged to apply.


  • ___ APPLICATION FORM, including information that we need to contact you.
  • ___ TRANSCRIPT (current transcript, unofficial okay, with grades through Fall 2013).
  • ___ SHORT STATEMENT (One page or less) explaining why you are interested in the program, what you hope to get out of it, and describing your academic and non-academic interests.
  • ___ RECOMMENDATION LETTER from a faculty member (or graduate teaching assistant), preferably in computer science or psychology, who can discuss your potential to successfully complete a research project. Include the name, phone, and email address of the faculty member on your application.

Note: When you submit your application you will receive a tracking number which you will need in order to submit the transcript, personal statement and letter of recommendation

If you wish more information about the program, the supervisors, suggested research projects or the application process, please contact the REU Coordinator at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 732-445-2001 x1494.

Perceptual Science and Technology REU Program 2014
Perceptual Science Home Page
RuCCS Home Page
Computer Science Home Page
Document last modified on October 23, 2015.