- Leslie, A.M., Gelman, R., & Gallistel, C.R. (in press). The generative basis of natural number concepts. Trends in Cognitive Sciences.
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- Leslie, A.M., Gallistel, C.R., & Gelman, R. (2007). Where integers come from. In P. Carruthers, S. Laurence, & S. Stich, (Eds.), The Innate Mind: Foundations and Future. (pp. 109–138). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - Friedman, O., & Leslie, A.M. (2007). The conceptual underpinnings of pretense: Pretending is not 'behaving-as-if'. Cognition, 105, 103–124. PDF (291)
- Leslie, A.M., & Chen, M.L. (2007). Individuation of pairs of objects in infancy. Developmental Science, 10, 423–430. PDF (214KB)
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This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - Biro, S., & Leslie, A.M. (2007). Infants' perception of goal-directed action: Development through cue-based bootstrapping. Developmental Science, 10, 379–398. PDF (786)
- Onishi, K.H., Baillargeon, R., & Leslie, A.M. (2007). 15-month-old infants detect violations in pretend sequences. Acta Psychologica, 124, 106–128. PDF (958KB)
- Leslie, A.M., Mallon, R., & DiCorcia, J.A. (2006). Transgressors, victims, and cry babies: Is basic moral judgment spared in autism? Social Neuroscience, 1, 270–283. PDF (210KB)
- Káldy, Z., Blaser, E., & Leslie, A.M. (2006). A new method for calibrating perceptual salience in infants: The case of color vs luminance. Developmental Science, 9, 482–489. PDF (277KB)
- Leslie, A.M., Knobe, J., & Cohen, A. (2006). Acting intentionally and the side-effect effect: 'Theory of mind' and moral judgment. Psychological Science, 17, 421–427. PDF (179KB)
- Bosco, F., Friedman, O., & Leslie, A.M. (2006). Recognition of pretend and real actions in play by one- and two-year-olds: Early success and why they fail. Cognitive Development, 21, 3–10. PDF (169KB)
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- Káldy, Z., & Leslie, A.M. (2005). A memory span of one? Object identification in 6.5-month-old infants. Cognition, 97, 153–177. PDF (415KB)
- Friedman, O., & Leslie, A.M. (2005). Processing demands in belief-desire reasoning: Inhibition or general difficulty? Developmental Science, 8, 218–225. PDF (117KB)
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- Leslie, A.M. (1986). Getting development off the ground. In P. van Geert (Ed.), Theory building in developmental psychology, (pp. 405–437). Elsevier Science Publications. PDF(338KB) [Was this the first discussion of the role of modularity in development?]
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- Leslie, A.M. (1994a). Pretending and believing: Issues in the theory of ToMM. Cognition, 50, 211–238. (PDF 2047KB)
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- Leslie, A.M. (2002). Pretense and representation revisited. In N.L. Stein, P.J. Bauer, and M. Rabinowitz (Eds.), Representation, memory and development. Essays in honor of Jean Mandler. (pp. 103–114). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum. PDF (251KB)
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- Leslie, A.M., & Polizzi, P. (1998). Inhibitory processing in the false belief task: Two conjectures.Developmental Science, 1, 247–253. PDF (430KB)
- Leslie, A.M., Xu, F., Tremoulet, P., & Scholl, B. (1998). Indexing and the object concept: Developing ‘what’ and ‘where’ systems. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 2, 10–18. PDF (608KB)
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- Roth, D., & Leslie, A.M. (1991). The recognition of attitude conveyed by utterance: A study of preschool and autistic children. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 9, 315–330. PDF (630KB)
- Roth, D., & Leslie, A.M. (1998). Solving belief problems: Toward a task analysis. Cognition, 66, 1–31. PDF (626KB)
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- Scholl, B.J., & Leslie, A.M. (2001). Minds, modules, and meta-analysis. Child Development, 72, 696–701. PDF (96KB)
- Scholl, B.J., & Leslie, A.M. (1999a). Explaining the infant’s object concept: Beyond the perception/cognition dichotomy. In (Eds.), E. Lepore & Z. Pylyshyn, What is Cognitive Science?(pp. 26–73). Oxford: Blackwell. PDF (152KB)
- Scholl, B.J., & Leslie, A.M. (1999b). Modularity, development, and ‘theory of mind’. Mind & Language, 14, 131–153. PDF (204KB)
- Scott, F., Baron-Cohen, S., & Leslie, A.M. (1999). 'If pigs could fly': An investigation of counterfactual reasoning and imagination in children with autism. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 17, 349–362. PDF (152KB)
- Tremoulet, P., Leslie, A.M., & Hall, G. (2000). Infant attention to the shape and color of objects: Individuation and identification. Cognitive Development, 15, 499–522. PDF (596KB)