Our Research in the Public Media
- Interview For Rossiya 2 TV Channel On September 6, 2013 by Anastasia Orlyansky, reporter for the program “The Five Senses: Vision” Part 1 - {http://youtu.be/Wbnymn5_EIk}, Part 2 - {https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VXT--5V-RN4}
- Joint research with Prof. S. Silverstein featured in "Rutgers Today", the University's weekly online magazine on May 9, 2013 {http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BlKlpx50Avs}
- Top-ten finalist, 2012 Best Illusion of the Year international contest. Featured on New Scientist's web page (May 2012) http://www.newscientist.com/blogs/nstv/2012/05/best-illusions-of-2012-the-exorcist-illusion.html. Also featured on Scientific American's blog (June 2012).
- Winner of Tom Troscianko Memorial Award at ECVP 2012 for best illusion, featured in Scientific American Mind magazine, Jan/Feb 2013. Also on http://blogs.scientificamerican.com/symbiartic/2012/06/05/exorcist-illusion/
- Interviewed by Christina Quaine for Stylist magazine (UK) January 19, 2011. Article in http://www.scribd.com/doc/47988217/Untitled & pp. 41-44 of http://read.stylist.co.uk/issue/Jan31-2011
- Featured in Article on perception and art for New Scientist Magazine, 2010 (Griggs, J. "Windows to the mind," New Scientist, September 18, 2010, 34-39).
- Invited Article on perception and art for Centurion Magazine, 2010
- Invited Consultant for National Geographic's TV program "Explorer: Inside LSD", 2009
National Public Radio's "Morning Edition Saturday" featured our research on attentional mechanisms in vision, on June 4, 2005.
- Laurel Van Leer “Window on the brain: When believing is more than seeing” Silicon Graphics Inc. Magazine
- Faye Flam's article in the Philadelphia Inquirer “In The Mind's Eye: The brain completes what the eye receives. Scientists know that much from how we perceive art. To explore the process further, researchers are taking up brushes themselves.” [ View Article: Page 1, Page 2 | Download as PDF ]
- The exhibit by Papathomas, T.V. & Gorea, A. "Now you see it, now you don't; or don't you?" in "Thresholds: Limits of Perception", New York Arts Biennial 1997 was featured in the October 10, 1997 issue of the Rutgers Focus. [ View Article ]
- Front page article in Rutgers University's newspaper "The Daily Targum" about the New York Arts Biennial 1997 under the title "Scientific Perceptions".[ View Article ]
- Jeffrey Ventrella Creatures of the Complex Plane (refers to Papathomas & Julesz Mandelbrot set animations) published in: IRIS Universe (summer, 1988)