Executive Council Faculty
Computer Science
Kostas Bekris
Motion and task planning for autonomous robots; Integration of perception and planning for manipulating and interacting with the physical world; Coordination of multiple physical agents, including human-robot interaction.
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Ahmed Elgammal
Computer Vision and Machine Learning; statistical models for learning visual manifolds of objects; computational models for recognition of articulated objects; computational art history.
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Konstantinos Michmizos
Basic Research: Computational Modeling of Sensorimotor Behavior, Psychophysics, Functional Neuroimaging
Applied research: Rehabilitation Games for children with disabilities, Robotic Neurorehabilitation
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Vladimir Pavlovic
Vladimir's research interests include Bayesian system modeling, time-series analysis, and statistical computer vision. More recently, his research has focused on modeling of human emotions and affect, as well as design of fast, robust, face tracking and identification systems. He is also interested in modeling and analysis of human crowd behavior from the perspective of distributed sensing and decision making systems.
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Matthew Stone
Reasoning systems for natural language generation and human-computer interaction; formal models of plans, context and mutual knowledge, and linguistic meaning and interpretation.
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Electrical and Computer Engineering
Kristin Dana
Computer vision and graphics; computational models for object appearance and image texture with applications in pattern recognition and scene rendering; optical systems for measurements of surface appearance.
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Mark Baker
Comparative syntax, linguistic universals, semantic roles, Amerindian and African languages.
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Simon Charlow
Formal semanticist working on scope and binding, questions and indefiniteness, focus, dynamic semantics, continuations and monads, ellipsis, and their interactions, especially interested in using insights from other disciplines (in particular, theoretical computer science) to address fundamental questions in linguistic theory.
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Kristen Syrett
Language acquisition and development, semantics, syntax-semantics interface, pragmatics, prosody, representation and processing
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Bruce Tesar
Computational models of language learning, phonology, Optimality Theory, the role of linguistics within cognitive science.
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Zoe Jenkin
I received my PhD from Harvard University and my BA from Williams College. From 2020-2023, I was an Assistant Professor at Washington University in St. Louis. My research concerns the role of reasons in perception and cognition, and the scope of epistemic evaluability.
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Michael Glanzberg
Philosophy of language, semantics, pragmatics, and the syntax-semantics interface. I have focused on such topics as the nature of linguistic meaning, the ways meaning and context of utterance interact, and mechanisms of semantic composition and how they relate to syntax.
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Ernest Lepore
Philosophy of language and philosophy of mind.
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Brian McLaughlin
The nature of cognitive architecture, including the connectionism/classicism debate; psychosemantics and the theory of meaning for mental representations.
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Paul Pietroski
What are meanings? How are they related to concepts, grammatical structure, logical structure, and truth?
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Susanna Schellenberg
Perceptual content and mental content more generally, attention, perceptual evidence, the relationship between the phenomenological and epistemological role of perceptual experience, the situation-dependency of perceptual experience, imagination, mental capacities.
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Stephen Stich
Nature and viability of commonsense (or "folk") psychology, moral cognition & moral reasoning and rationality.
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Kasia M. Bieszczad
Neurobiology of learning and memory. Applies epigenetic, molecular, and electrophysiological techniques in animals to understand the basis of associative learning and memory determined by behavior; combines sensory neurophysiology (in the auditory system) with behavioral neuroscience to study how memory and perception intertwine.
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Jacob Feldman
Formal, computational and empirical studies of categorization, shape representation, grouping and perceptual inference in visual perception.
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Pernille Hemmer
The influence of prior knowledge on memory and decision making in naturalistic environments.
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Michelle Hurst
I am interested in systematic variation in human cognition that arises between people across development and within a person across contexts. In my lab, we study this systematic variation by using behavioral experiments, mathematical and computational models, and a wide developmental perspective – from infancy to adults.
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Eileen Kowler
Study of the sensory cues, spatial representations and cognitive factors that guide patterns of smooth and saccadic eye.
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Alan Leslie
Conceptual development and the representation of the physical world, of Agency, and of "theory of mind" in infants and preschoolers; also their impairment in autism.
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John P. McGann
Professor/RuCCS Faculty Director
Research in my laboratory employs neurophsyiological, behavioral, and theoretical methods to explore how humans and rodent models learn information about the world and apply this knowledge to the neural processing of incoming sensory stimuli. We are also interested in how dysfunction in these processes could manifest in mental and neurological disorders.
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Melchi Michel
Study of visual search and saccadic eye movements, short-term visual memory, perceptual learning and cue integration. Formal computational and ideal observer modeling of visual tasks and of population coding in visual cortex
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Julien Musolino
Specializes in psycholinguistics and research focuses on language acquisition and language processing.
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Manish Singh
Formal and empirical study of visual object and surface representations. Part-based description of object shape; Computation of surface structure under partial occlusion and transparency; Visual attention.
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Karin Stromswold
Language acquisition and learnability theory; the cognitive and neural bases of language, language acquisition, and language processing; studies of sentence processing using neuroimaging.
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Elizabeth Torres
My interest lies in the study of voluntary actions in general and the emergence of symbolic intelligence from them. In particular, I have been studying natural voluntary arm movements in the context of reaching for and grasping an object, obstacle avoidance, the acquisition and retrieval of a motor program, and more recently on the performance of a parietal patient and of patients with Parkinson's disease. I am also doing research on autism.
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David Vicario
Neuroethology. Using behavioral, neurophysiological, and anatomical methods in songbirds to study sensory and motor processes that subserve vocal learning, including auditory memory, perception, and production of learned vocalizations.
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Jenny Wang
Jenny Wang investigates the origins of our knowledge, how we master complicated concepts (such as mathematics), and how we learn about the world around us.
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Qiong Zhang
Dr. Zhang's research combines computational modeling, behavioral methods and neural imaging to understand human memory. She is interested in how the human memory system uses its limited cognitive resources to efficiently retrieve past experiences and knowledge, and how we as researchers can design methods to improve human memory performance.
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Stephen Jose Hanson
Research focuses on learning, categorization, connectionist models, neural networks, cognitive, mathematical and computational modeling.
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Michael Lewis
Dept. of Pediatrics - Child Health Institute of NJ (CHINJ)
Emotional development and the role of cognition. Cognition, attribution and psychopathology. Face-voice integration in ASD.
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David Zald
RBHS/Brain Health Institute
Affective neuroscience, the interaction of emotion with attention and decision-making, and the neural substrates of these functions in both health and neuropsychiatric illness.
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