The Rutgers Center for Cognitive Science offers a Bachelors Degree in Cognitive Science (B.A.). Below is a description of the requirements for fulfilling the new Cognitive Science Major and the five possible tracks.
To declare the major, students need to have taken:
- 1 course in the Computational/Logical Reasoning Component
- 1 course in the Statistical Reasoning Component
- 185:201 Introduction to Cognitive Science
Students can declare the new Cognitive Science Major using myMajor.
Once you declare, you will be able to follow progress toward the degree using Degree Navigator.
Majors may receive Honors in Cognitive Science. Review requirements and procedures on our honors page.
You can learn more about the Cognitive Science major by watching a video from one of our excellent majors, Mohammad Wiswall:
If you have questions, please contact
Requirements and Tracks
(Click here to download a flyer with the major requirements and track information.)
The major is structured into 5-segments with 5-tracks (from which students will select one track):
(i) Quantitative Reasoning, (ii) Foundational, (iii) Distributional, (iv) Capstone, and (v) Topics Courses.
There are two requirements in Computational/Logical and Statistical Reasoning, one Foundational course in Cognitive Science, a set of three Distributional requirements in cognate areas, one Capstone Course, and three upper-division Topics Courses (vary by track).
There are 5 possible tracks for the major:
- (1) Cognitive Neuroscience
- (2) Decision Making
- (3) Language
- (4) Mind, Machines & Computation
- (5) Perception
The major must consist of a minimum of 36 credits***:
- Complete a minimum of 4-courses in Cognitive Science (curriculum code 185).
- Grades of C or better must be earned in all courses counted toward the major.
- Two-thirds of the 36-credits must be at the 300-level or above.
(Click here for courses that automatically satisfy the requirement.) - Two-thirds of the 36-credits must be from courses offered by the School of Arts and Sciences.
- No more than 4-courses from Philosophy and no more than 4 courses from Computer Science may be counted toward the major.
- No more than 3-courses from any other department (not listed above) may be counted toward the major.
Note: Courses used to satisfy the distribution requirement cannot also be used to satisfy the track elective requirements.
***Once all required section courses are completed, 36-credits may not have been reached. The remaining credits can be from any category on either side of the track flyer as long as the additional requirements noted above have been met.
(i) Quantitative Reasoning Requirements
Students must satisfy a Quantitative Reasoning Requirement by completing 1-course from each of the following two categories:
- Computational/Logical Reasoning Component. This is met by taking Introduction to Logic (730:201; 3) or Introduction to Logic (730:202; 4) or Computing for Math and the Sciences (198:107; 3) or Introduction to Discrete Structures I (198:205; 4) or Introduction to Mathematical Reasoning (640:300; 3) or Mathematical Logic (640:461; 3).
- Statistical Reasoning Component. This is met by taking one course from one of the following categories:
- Cognitive Science. Students may take Research Methods in Cognitive Science (185:320; 3).
- Computer Science. Students may take Introduction to Discrete Structures II (198: 206; 4).
- Mathematics. Students may take any course in the Calculus sequence: Calculus I (640:135; 4) or Calculus II (640:136; 4) or Calculus I for Mathematical and Physical (640:151; 4) or Calculus II for Mathematical and
Physical (640:152; 4) or Honors Calculus I (640:191; 4) or Honors Calculus II (640:192; 4). - Psychology. Students may take Quantitative Methods in Psychology (830:200; 4) or Advanced Statistical Methods in Psychology (830:400; 3).
- Statistics. Students may take any course in the Statistics sequence, Statistics I (960:211; 3) or Introductory Statistics for Business (960:285; 3) or Basic Statistics for Economics (960:201; 4) or Basic Statistics for Research (960:401; 3)
(ii) Foundational Requirement in Cognitive Science (185:201)
One foundational course is required for all majors: “Cognitive Science: A Multi- disciplinary Introduction” (185:201; 4).
(iii) Distributional Requirements
The distributional requirements consist of taking 1-course in three out of five of the areas of Cognitive Science: Cognitive Neuroscience, Decision Making, Language, Mind, Machines & Computation, and Perception. One course should be taken from three of the cognate areas.
- Cognitive Neuroscience. Brain, Mind and Behavior (119:195; 3) or Fundamentals of Neurobiology (146:245; 3; for CBN majors) or Essentials of Cell Biology and Neuroscience (146:295; 3) or Data Structures (198:112, 4) or Neuropsychology (830:310; 3) or Physiological Psychology (830:313; 3)
- Decision Making. Cognition and Decision Making (185:301; 4) or Intermediate Microeconomics Analysis (220:320; 3) or
Psychology and Politics (790;348; 3) or Motivation and Emotion (830:364; 3) - Language. Meaning and Numbering (185:330; 3) or Language and Cognition (185: 340 - previously 185:410; 3) or Introduction to Linguistic Theory (615:201; 3) or Philosophy of Language (730:210; 3) or Psychology of Language (830:351; 3)
- Mind, Machines & Computation. The Concept of ‘Concepts’ in Cognitive Science (185: 310; 3) or Introduction to Computer Science (198:111; 4) or Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (198:440, 4) or Mathematical Theory of Probability (640:477; 3) or Minds, Machines and Persons (730:329; 3) or Philosophical Aspects of Cognitive Science (730:360; 3)
- Perception. Design and Analysis of Computer Algorithms (198:344; 4) or Sensation & Perception (830:301; 3)
(iv) Capstone Course (185:411; 4cr) OR (185:395; 3cr) OR 185:495; 3cr)
Students are required to take one of the following courses to satisfy the Capstone Course requirement: (1) Undergraduate Seminar in Cognitive Science (185:411; 4) offered Spring semesters); (2) Research in Cognitive Science (185:395; 3) or (3) Honors Research (185:495; 3). This capstone is usually taken in a student’s Junior or Senior year.
After selecting from one of 5-tracks (above), the remaining credits will be completed by taking a minimum of three Topics Courses in a specific area of concentration. Note: there is no double-counting of courses; even though some courses appear on multiple lists, any one course can only count for satisfying one requirement.
Cognitive Neuroscience Track Topics Courses (minimum of 9 elective credits):
Advanced Neurobiology I (146:445; 3)
Advanced Neurobiology II (146:447; 3)
Research Methods in Cognitive Science (185:320; 3)
Neural Structure of Language (185:335; 3)
Fundamentals of Cognitive Neuroscience (185:350; 3)
Advanced Topics in Cognitive Science II (185:412; 3)
Advanced Topics in Cognitive Science: Cognitive Neuroscience (185:413; 3)
Cognitive Neuroscience Through Case Studies (185:430; 4)
Modeling and Simulation of Continuous Systems (198:424; 4)
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (198:440; 4)
Behavioral and Neural Genetics (447:484; 3)
Mathematical Models in the Social Sciences (640:339; 3)
Minds, Machines and Persons (730:329; 3)
Philosophical Aspects of Cognitive Science (730:360; 3)
Philosophy of Mind (730:418; 3)
Cognition (830:305; 3)
Neuropsychology (830:310; 3)
Developmental Psychobiology (830:361; 3)
Programming for Brain Science (830:403; 3)
Advanced Topics in Psychobiology (830:410 or 830:411; 3)
Neuropsychopharmacology (830:412; 3)
History of Brain Science (830:415; 3)
Behavioral Pharmacology (830:463; 3)
Decision Making Track Topics Courses (minimum of 9 elective credits):
Human Nature and Human Diversity (185:253; 4)
Cognition and Decision Making (185:301; 4)
Research Methods in Cognitive Science (185:320; 3)
Person Perception and Social Cognition (185:345; 3)
Advanced Topics in Cognitive Science II (185:412; 3)
Advanced Topics in Cognitive Science: Decision Making (185:414; 3)
Intermediate Microeconomic Analysis (220:320; 3)
Behavioral and Experimental Economics (220:480; 3)
Game Theory and Economics (220:482; 3)
Advanced Topics in Economic Theory (220:489; 3)
Mathematical Models in Social Sciences (640:339; 3)
Philosophy of Psychology (730:328; 3)
The Logic of Decision (730:424; 3)
Topics in Philosophy of Psychology (730:428; 3)
Public Policy Formation (790:305; 3)
Psychology and Politics (790:348; 3)
Small Groups (830:326; 3)
Abnormal Psychology (830:340; 3)
Research Methods in Psychology (830:355; 3)
Motivation and Emotion (830:364; 3)
Health Psychology (830:377; 3)
Reasoning, Problem Solving, and Decision Making (830:408 or 409; 3)
Language Track Topics Courses (minimum of 9 elective credits):
At least one course must be taken from this list:
Syntax (615:305; 3)
Phonology (615:315; 3)
Semantics (615:325; 3)
Pragmatics (615:350; 3)
At least one course must be taken from this list:
Meaning and Numbering (185:330; 3)
Advanced Topics in Cognitive Science II (185:412; 3)
Advanced Topics in Cognitive Science: Language (185:415; 3)
Language Development (615:440)
Philosophy of Language (730:420; 3)
Semantics of Language (730:421; 3)
Psychology of Language (830:351or 615:371; 3)
Language Acquisition (830:484; 3)
Other additional electives:
Research Methods in Cognitive Science (185:320; 3)
Neural Structure of Language (185:335; 3)
Language and Cognition (185:340 previously 185:410; 3)
Advanced Topics in Cognitive Science: Language (185:415; 3)
Introduction to French Syntax (420:333; 3)
Historical Linguistics (615:330; 3)
Morphology (615:411; 3)
Evolution of the Human Language Capacity (615:415; 3)
Language Typology (615:421; 3)
Experimental Methodologies in Language Acquisition (615:435; 3)
Linguistics and Cognitive Science (615:441; 3)
Phonetics (615:451; 3)
Computational Linguistics (615:455; 3)
Introduction to Prosody (615:465; 3)
Selected Topics in Linguistics (615:471; 3)
Spanish Phonetics and Phonology (940:362; 3)
Bilingualism in the Spanish-Speaking World (940:363; 3)
Current Issues in Second Language Acquisition (940:420; 3)
Spanish Syntax (940:421; 3)
Spanish Semantics (940:422; 3)
Mind, Machines & Computation Track Topics Courses (minimum of 9 elective credits):
Brain, Mind, and Behavior (119:195; 3; honors)
The Concept of ‘Concepts’ in Cognitive Science (185:310; 3)
Research Methods in Cognitive Science (185:320; 3)
Advanced Topics in Cognitive Science II (185:412; 3)
Advanced Topics in Cognitive Science: Minds, Machines & Computation (185:416; 3)
Introduction to Discrete Structures I (198:205; 4)
Introduction to Discrete Structures II (198:206; 4)
Design and Analysis of Computer Algorithms (198:344; 4)
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (198:440; 4)
Formal Languages and Automata (198:452; 3)
Mathematical Theory of Probability (640:477; 3)
Ethics of Artificial Intelligence and Other Technology(730:242; 3)
Minds, Machines and Persons (730:329; 3)
Philosophical Aspects of Cognitive Science (730:360; 3)
Philosophy of Mind (730:418; 3)
Philosophy of Perception (730:419; 3)
Topics in Philosophy of Psychology (730:428; 3)
Cognition (830:305; 3)
Programming for Brain Science (830;403; 3)
History of Brain Science (830:415; 3)
Perception Track Topics Courses (minimum of 9 elective credits):
Research Methods in Cognitive Science (185:320; 3)
Person Perception and Social Cognition (185:345; 3)
Visual Intelligence (185:401; 3)
Advanced Topics in Cognitive Science II (185:412; 3)
Advanced Topics in Cognitive Science: Perception (185:417; 3)
Introduction to Imaging and Multimedia (198:334; 4)
Design and Analysis of Computer Algorithms (198:344; 4)
Introduction to Computer Graphics (198:428; 4)
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (198:440; 4)
Philosophy of Psychology (730:328; 3)
Philosophical Aspects of Cognitive Science (730:360; 3)
Philosophy of Perception (730:419; 3)
Topics in Philosophy of Psychology (730:428; 3)
Sensation & Perception (830:301; 3)
Physiological Psychology (830:313; 3)
Advanced Topics in Visual Perception (830:481; 3)
One of the following:
Graph Theory (640:428; 3)
Mathematical Logic (640:461; 3)
Mathematical Theory of Probability (640:477; 3)