Cognitive Science majors may receive Honors in Cognitive Science by:
Enrolling in a year-long Senior Honors Thesis course (185:495 and 185:496) and completing a thesis. Students must have an overall GPA of at least 3.2, a GPA of at least 3.5 in courses being counted toward the Cognitive Science major, and permission of the faculty member. The thesis must be supervised by an Cognitive Science Executive Committee or Affiliate Faculty member who will approve the topic and work with the student in developing their thesis.
The thesis may be a new project or based on the student’s own prior research or written work for an upper-division course. If the student chooses to write a thesis based on prior written work, it is expected that the thesis be a very substantial enhancement of this prior work.
Once you have a faculty advisor, you can apply by submitting a completed Honors Research in Cognitive Science Application Form to the Undergraduate Director at
Note: the Senior Honors Thesis course satisfies the capstone requirement; 3 of the 6 credits for this course can be applied to the total number of credits required for the major; and this course does not satisfy the upper-division elective requirement.
Upon completion at the end of the Spring semester, the student will present the work to a committee who will determine student(s)
who are awarded an Honors Thesis Prize in Cognitive Science.
Note: All theses, without exception, are due to the thesis advisor, Undergraduate Director, in electronic form by April 1st of the graduating year OR on the last Friday of March if April 1st falls on a weekend.
The level of honors, according to the designations "Honors, 3.5-3.69"; "High Honors, 3.7-3.89" and "Highest Honors, 3.9-4.0" will be determined by the student's GPA range in Cognitive Science, and the quality of their Cognitive Science Thesis.
If you have any questions, please contact: